Map: QAD6 By: Grimlar



Author: Grimlar
Map Name: QAD6
Intended Audience: forever free maps
Submitted On: 2018-09-07 12:02:23
Last Updated On: 2018-09-07 12:02:24

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– Authors Map Description –

QAD6 – Yard
Quick And Dirty Map 6

Commander, our intel reports that the enemy are trying to take over the Shipyard responsible for the cleaning, inspection and final assembly of 60% of our rocket motors.

We cant lose access to that facility.

Good luck.

Scoreboost is not available for any mission.

There are options available to buy on the Command Shuttle in every mission allowing you to control access to the cnetral power core housing.

The following missions are included:
Story, Story Competitive, Story Open, Super Grinder Competitive and Super Grinder Open.

The Story mission is intended as a practice mission as the scores dont get uploaded. This is a HPE issue and I cannot fix it.

Competitive missions are intended to be played on Competitive Hard difficulty and Open missions are intended to be played on Open Elite. You can play them on other difficulty levels but the gold medal scores will be less relevant.

Both Competitive missions have been beaten on Competitive Hard. Both Open missions have been beaten on Open Elite.
When I say beaten, I mean gold medal scores with no cores lost.

Thanks must go to OCD, Sir Mien, Razcle & McB who have helped with testing this map. All errors, bugs and balance issues are of course my responsibility not theirs.

If you find any mission too easy on Open Elite, then consider trying the Competitive Hard version of the mission, I am told that it is usually harder. If that is still too easy then feel free to try Competitive Elite mode.

If you find the missions to be too easy on Competitive Elite, or find any other issues, then please post a comment below giving as much information as possible whilst avoiding spoilers.

If you find any mission (other than Competitive Elite,) to be too difficult, then please consider the following options.

1) Rewind a couple of waves and try a slightly different strategy.
2) Start again with a different plan in mind
3) Try a different mission type, or drop the difficulty level. Beat that and come back, hopefully with a different point of view.
4) If you still have problems then post a comment either here, or preferably on the Steam Forums asking for advice.

However, I would like to remind people that most players visiting this page will not have played the map yet. Also, that many players prefer to avoid spoilers until after they have had a few goes at a map.

As such, please try to avoid requesting/posting spoilers on THIS page. By all means, request help on the Steam Forums though.
If you feel you must post a spoiler, please give your post a suitable title, ie [SPOILER] and use the spoiler box option to hide the text of the

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Jolly Roger
Jolly Roger
5 years ago

Also thanks from my side!

To get rid of my preferred strategy I would like to get a map where it is nearly impossible to build u-turns.

Or no “open modes” at all – they add too much power, preventing brainteasers.

Jolly Roger
Jolly Roger
Reply to  Grimlar
5 years ago

Hui, very interesting offer, thanks!
But I’m afraid I won’t find the needed time for that.
(would like to start my own small maps – but not enough time)

5 years ago

Thanks for a great map 🙂

5 years ago

Thanks, had a good time it.

5 years ago

Great map.
Raised the bar for all of you.

Jolly Roger
Jolly Roger
Reply to  grisa25
5 years ago

Like that.
Added some points to story open.

5 years ago

i like this one, a lot!
thanks for the great map!

5 years ago

Very clever map. Takes time to find the right tactic.