Win7 Custom Map Install Tutorial

TheWatcherAl walks you through how to install custom maps into DG2 on a Win 7 OS.

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6 years ago

Nice tutorial well made. Would like to see a video on how to make maps as well 🙂

Reply to  NornIronFan
6 years ago

Sorry should have said I am running Win 10. The actual error message says game data files corrupt, please re-install

Reply to  DG2FM Admin - TheWatcherAl
6 years ago

CnSq and East-tumor-Sea-4

8 years ago

Played forever free maps on my Windows 7 machine, worked great! Now I upgraded to a Windows 10 machine, and there are no specific instructions for Windows 10.

Tried the Windows 7 instructions on where to place custom maps, and it doesn’t work.

Can we get directions for installing free maps on Windows 10 machines?

Thank you.

DG2FM Admin - Sharktak
DG2FM Admin - Sharktak
Reply to  godslayer
8 years ago

I don’t know why it won’t play on your windows 10 , it certainly works on mine
windows 10 64 bit
Are you sure you made a DG2 folder and not a dg2 folder ? (capitals)
path – C:\Users\”your user account”\Documents\DG2
You could try running it in ” Win 7 Compatability” mode or ” run as administrator ” ?
other than that, i have no idea


Xavier Boyd
Xavier Boyd
Reply to  DG2FM Admin - Sharktak
1 year ago

I am replying to an old post just in case someone else needs this information. Use the path given in the reply from Sharktak. Make sure to use the sub-folder after unzipping the free map. Typically, there is a sub-folder and text file in the top-level folder of the zip file. Ensure that the game is not running when placing the sub-directory into the path listed above.

9 years ago

So simple, well designed system.
Like to see video on how to start building maps …

DG2FM Admin - Sharktak
DG2FM Admin - Sharktak
10 years ago

Nicely done M8 🙂

Now do one for Mac’s lol

Community test your DG2 map