TheWatcherAl walks you through how to install custom maps into DG2 on a Win 7 OS.
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TheWatcherAl walks you through how to install custom maps into DG2 on a Win 7 OS.
Lets Watch.
Nice tutorial well made. Would like to see a video on how to make maps as well 🙂
Sorry should have said I am running Win 10. The actual error message says game data files corrupt, please re-install
What custom map are you trying to play?
CnSq and East-tumor-Sea-4
I was able to play CnSq on my Win 7 w/o issue.
Win 10 users have reported issues with custom maps for a long time.
Go inside the CnSq folder and check to make sure the folder name is the same as the
map name .dgwbin inside, eg folder “test” should have “test.dgwbin” inside.
If Win 10 has made them different somehow edit the name to change the names to be the same and doing so should clear the error.
Played forever free maps on my Windows 7 machine, worked great! Now I upgraded to a Windows 10 machine, and there are no specific instructions for Windows 10.
Tried the Windows 7 instructions on where to place custom maps, and it doesn’t work.
Can we get directions for installing free maps on Windows 10 machines?
Thank you.
I don’t know why it won’t play on your windows 10 , it certainly works on mine
windows 10 64 bit
Are you sure you made a DG2 folder and not a dg2 folder ? (capitals)
path – C:\Users\”your user account”\Documents\DG2
You could try running it in ” Win 7 Compatability” mode or ” run as administrator ” ?
other than that, i have no idea
I am replying to an old post just in case someone else needs this information. Use the path given in the reply from Sharktak. Make sure to use the sub-folder after unzipping the free map. Typically, there is a sub-folder and text file in the top-level folder of the zip file. Ensure that the game is not running when placing the sub-directory into the path listed above.
So simple, well designed system.
Like to see video on how to start building maps …
Nicely done M8 🙂
Now do one for Mac’s lol