All posts by Grimlar

Map: Stairway By: Grimlar



Author: Grimlar
Map Name: Stairway
Intended Audience: forever free maps
Submitted On: 2019-12-04 05:39:26
Last Updated On: 2019-12-09 05:05:15

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An Offshore power plant is under attack. Over to you Commander.


This was originally a map submission for the community map pack for DG1, first converted for DG2 back in August 2014 when the game was still in Beta.

Its taken a lot of time and a lot of changes to get it to where it is today. I hope that you enjoy playing it.


The save and resume feature will probably not work for the later stages of the longer missions. If you need to save your progress then I would suggest backspacing to maybe 10 waves earlier and

hopefully that will work.


V1.1 Makes a few changes to the Story script and the balance, particularly of the Competitive Hard Mission.


Scoreboost is not available for any mission.

The Command Shuttle should have three options for every mission.

The Story & Super Grinder missions are included in both Competitive and Open form, plus there is a guest mission from Razcle that is available for Open play only.
The Story(Campaign) mission is present as a practice mission as the scores dont get uploaded. This is a HPE issue and I cannot fix it.

Competitive missions are intended to be played on Competitive Hard difficulty and Open missions are intended to be played on Open Elite. You can play them on other difficulty levels but the gold

medal scores are aimed at those difficulties.

The Competitive missions have all been beaten on Competitive Hard. The Open missions have been beaten on Open Elite. When I say beaten, I mean gold medal scores with no cores lost.

Thanks must go to OCD & Razcle who have helped with testing the Open missions on this map. All errors, bugs and balance issues are of course my responsibility not theirs.

If you find any mission too easy on Open Elite, then consider trying the Competitive Hard version of the mission, I am told that it is usually harder. If that is still too easy then feel free to try

Competitive Elite mode.

If you find the missions to be too easy on Competitive Elite, or find any other issues, then please post a comment below giving as much information as possible whilst avoiding spoilers.

If you find any mission (other than Competitive Elite,) to be too difficult, then please consider the following options.

1) Rewind a couple of waves and try a slightly different strategy.
2) Start again with a different plan in mind
3) Try a different mission type, or drop the difficulty level. Beat that and come back, hopefully with a different


Map: CM P4 By: Grimlar



Author: Grimlar
Map Name: CM-P4
Intended Audience: forever free maps
Submitted On: 2019-10-17 15:18:56
Last Updated On: 2019-10-17 15:18:56

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– Authors Map Description –

Cubical Moments – Part 4

To climb so high, to risk it all, the dream of flight, the sirens call

Dont look down, so far to fall, we need more power, we need more cores.


Available modes include: Story, Grinder, Focal Point, No Red Towers, Fully Loaded, Out Of Bullets, Frozen Core, Tower Limit, Super Grinder. The aliens in Story, Frozen Core and Grinder missions do not have any shields. The scripts are different for each of the mission types and all are standard HPE scripts.

Competitive missions can only be played in competitive modes and are tested on Competitive No Sell Hard. Open missions give the aliens extra health and are tested on Open Elite difficulty, it is expected that you will need to use Tower Upgrade Items.

Note. The Story/Campaign mission does not upload the score to the leaderboard, this is not something I can fix, it is a HPE issue. For this reason the Story/Campaign mission is considered to be a practice mission aimed at people who have few if any Tower Upgrade Items. As such, please use the Story – Competitive or Story – Open missions if you want to compete on the leaderboards.


This map is a follow on from Part 3. It follows the pattern of slightly more tower build locations, although there are no command shuttle options. Hopefully it provides a different challange to Parts 1 or 2. The spawn scripts for the different challenge modes are the same as for Parts 1,2 & 3 although the difficulties and gold medal scores may have been adjusted slightly to suit the map.

I am still hoping to release a few more in this series although the number of tower tiles available will continue to be higher than in the first two maps.


All Competitive missions have been beaten on Competitive No Sell Hard without losing any cores or aliens.
All Open missios have been beaten on Open Elite without losing any cores or aliens.

Thank you to ACE, Razcle and Siclid for helping to test this map. Any errors are my responsibility not theirs.

A reminder for anyone who plays any Focal Point mission, not just the one on this map, enemies killed by the cursor do not add to your score. Damaging them seems to be fine but it will speed them up. You can also use the cursor to speed up the cores as they return to the Power Core Housing.

If you find the map too easy on any of the Open Elite missions, then consider trying the Competitive Hard/Elite version of the mission, I am told that these are usually harder.

If you find the missions to be too easy on Competitive Elite, or find any other issues, then please post a comment below giving as much information as possible whilst avoiding spoil


Map: Legion By: Grimlar



Author: Grimlar
Map Name: Legion
Intended Audience: forever free maps
Submitted On: 2018-12-09 16:47:06
Last Updated On: 2018-12-09 16:47:07

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11 votes
– Authors Map Description –


This was supposed to be a QAD map, quick and dirty. However it turned out that it was in no way shape or form, quick.

I believe that the map is relatively difficult, although I could of course be mistaken.

Ive left most ornamentation off the map as it is already a large map with a lot of enemies. I hope that you wont expereince any/too much lag, but you have my apologies if you do.


Scoreboost is not available for any mission.
There are options available to buy on the Command Shuttle on all missions.

The following missions are included:
Story, Story Competitive, Story Open, Irritation Competitive & Irritation Open

The Irritation missions are almost identical to the story missions except that you cannot build concussion or missile towers.

Note: The Story (or Campaign) mission does not upload the score to the leaderboards. This is a HPE issue and I cannot fix it. For that reason, this map is considered to be a practice map for players who have few if any Tower Upgrade Items. For everyone else please use Story leaderboards for Comp Hard or Story Ti for Open Elite.

All competitive missions have been beaten on Competitive Hard. All open missions have been beaten on Open Elite. When I say beaten, I mean gold medal scores with no cores lost.

Thanks must go to OCD & Razcle, who have helped with testing this map. All errors, bugs and balance issues are of course my responsibility not theirs.

If you find any mission too easy on Open Elite, then consider trying the Competitive Hard version of the mission, I am told that it is usually harder. If that is still too easy then feel free to try Competitive Elite mode.

If you find the missions to be too easy on Competitive Elite, or find any other issues, then please post a comment below giving as much information as possible whilst avoiding spoilers.

If you find any mission (other than Competitive Elite,) to be too difficult, then please consider the following options.

1) Rewind a couple of waves and try a slightly different strategy.
2) Start again with a different plan in mind
3) Try a different mission type, or drop the difficulty level. Beat that and come back, hopefully with a different point of view.
4) If you still have problems then post a comment either here, or preferably on the Steam Forums asking for advice.

However, I would like to remind people that most players visiting this page will not have played the map yet. Also, that many players prefer to avoid spoilers until after they have had a few goes at a map.

As such, please try to avoid requesting/posting spoilers on THIS page. By all means, request help on the Steam Forums though.

If you


Map: HDN8 3V2 By: Grimlar



Author: Grimlar
Map Name: HDN8-3V2
Intended Audience: forever free maps
Submitted On: 2018-09-26 18:14:19
Last Updated On: 2018-09-27 09:39:16

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– Authors Map Description –

Helical DN8-3 V2

This is a revamp of an early map that was made before we had access to the command station tool.

One of our more remote mining platforms, Helical DN8-3 is under attack. We cant afford to lose those resources, so you’d better get a move on Commander.

Scoreboost is not available for any mission.

The Command Shuttle is there for information purposes only. There are no options.

The following missions are included in both Competitive and Open form:
Story, Super Grinder, Super Grider V2, Baseless, Focal Point, Frozen Core, Fully Loaded, Grinder, Heavy5, No Red Towers, Out Of Bullets, Power Outage, Tower Limit, Turbo5 plus of course the required mission, Story (Campaign).

The Story (Campaign)mission is intended as a practice mission as the scores dont get uploaded. This is a HPE issue and I cannot fix it.

Competitive missions are intended to be played on Competitive Hard difficulty and Open missions are intended to be played on Open Elite. You can play them on other difficulty levels but the gold medal scores will be less relevant.

The Competitive missions have all been beaten on Competitive Hard. The Open missions have been beaten on Open Elite.
When I say beaten, I mean gold medal scores with no cores lost.

Thanks must go to OCD, Sir Mien, Razcle who have helped with testing this map and Arthurs Foot who helped testing the original map. All errors, bugs and balance issues are of course my responsibility not theirs.

If you find any mission too easy on Open Elite, then consider trying the Competitive Hard version of the mission, I am told that it is usually harder. If that is still too easy then feel free to try Competitive Elite mode.

If you find the missions to be too easy on Competitive Elite, or find any other issues, then please post a comment below giving as much information as possible whilst avoiding spoilers.

If you find any mission (other than Competitive Elite,) to be too difficult, then please consider the following options.

1) Rewind a couple of waves and try a slightly different strategy.
2) Start again with a different plan in mind
3) Try a different mission type, or drop the difficulty level. Beat that and come back, hopefully with a different point of view.
4) If you still have problems then post a comment either here, or preferably on the Steam Forums asking for advice.

However, I would like to remind people that most players visiting this page will not have played the map yet. Also, that many players prefer to avoid spoilers until after they have had a few goes at a map.

As such, please try to avoid requesting/posting spoilers on THIS page. By all mean


Map: QAD6 By: Grimlar



Author: Grimlar
Map Name: QAD6
Intended Audience: forever free maps
Submitted On: 2018-09-07 12:02:23
Last Updated On: 2018-09-07 12:02:24

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Users have rated this map:
6 votes
– Authors Map Description –

QAD6 – Yard
Quick And Dirty Map 6

Commander, our intel reports that the enemy are trying to take over the Shipyard responsible for the cleaning, inspection and final assembly of 60% of our rocket motors.

We cant lose access to that facility.

Good luck.

Scoreboost is not available for any mission.

There are options available to buy on the Command Shuttle in every mission allowing you to control access to the cnetral power core housing.

The following missions are included:
Story, Story Competitive, Story Open, Super Grinder Competitive and Super Grinder Open.

The Story mission is intended as a practice mission as the scores dont get uploaded. This is a HPE issue and I cannot fix it.

Competitive missions are intended to be played on Competitive Hard difficulty and Open missions are intended to be played on Open Elite. You can play them on other difficulty levels but the gold medal scores will be less relevant.

Both Competitive missions have been beaten on Competitive Hard. Both Open missions have been beaten on Open Elite.
When I say beaten, I mean gold medal scores with no cores lost.

Thanks must go to OCD, Sir Mien, Razcle & McB who have helped with testing this map. All errors, bugs and balance issues are of course my responsibility not theirs.

If you find any mission too easy on Open Elite, then consider trying the Competitive Hard version of the mission, I am told that it is usually harder. If that is still too easy then feel free to try Competitive Elite mode.

If you find the missions to be too easy on Competitive Elite, or find any other issues, then please post a comment below giving as much information as possible whilst avoiding spoilers.

If you find any mission (other than Competitive Elite,) to be too difficult, then please consider the following options.

1) Rewind a couple of waves and try a slightly different strategy.
2) Start again with a different plan in mind
3) Try a different mission type, or drop the difficulty level. Beat that and come back, hopefully with a different point of view.
4) If you still have problems then post a comment either here, or preferably on the Steam Forums asking for advice.

However, I would like to remind people that most players visiting this page will not have played the map yet. Also, that many players prefer to avoid spoilers until after they have had a few goes at a map.

As such, please try to avoid requesting/posting spoilers on THIS page. By all means, request help on the Steam Forums though.
If you feel you must post a spoiler, please give your post a suitable title, ie [SPOILER] and use the spoiler box option to hide the text of the


Map: QAD5 By: Grimlar



Author: Grimlar
Map Name: QAD5
Intended Audience: forever free maps
Submitted On: 2018-08-24 21:48:06
Last Updated On: 2018-08-24 21:48:06

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– Authors Map Description –

QAD5 – Blue
Quick And Dirty Map 5

Commander, our intel reports that the enemy are trying to take over one of our mineral reprocessing plants on a small moon orbiting planet QAD5.

Good luck.

Scoreboost is not available for any mission.

There are no options available to buy on the Command Shuttle in any mission.

The following missions are included:
Story, Story Competetive, Story Open, Super Grinder Competitive and Super Grinder Open.

The Story mission is intended as a practice mission as the scores dont get uploaded. This is a HPE issue and I cannot fix it.

Competitive missions are intended to be played on Competitive Hard difficulty and Open missions are intended to be played on Open Elite. You can play them on other difficulty levels but the gold medal scores will be less relevant.

Both Competitive missions have been beaten on Competitive Hard. Both Open missions have been beaten on Open Elite.
When I say beaten, I mean gold medal scores with no cores lost.

Thanks must go to OCD, Sir Mien, Razcle, McB and TNTFTB who have all helped with testing this map. All errors, bugs and balance issues are of course my responsibility not theirs.

If you find any mission too easy on Open Elite, then consider trying the Competitive Hard version of the mission, I am told that it is usually harder. If that is still too easy then feel free to try Competitive Elite mode.

If you find the missions to be too easy on Competitive Elite, or find any other issues, then please post a comment below giving as much information as possible whilst avoiding spoilers.

If you find any mission (other than Competitive Elite,) to be too difficult, then please consider the following options.

1) Rewind a couple of waves and try a slightly different strategy.
2) Start again with a different plan in mind
3) Try a different mission type, or drop the difficulty level. Beat that and come back, hopefully with a different point of view.
4) If you still have problems then post a comment either here, or preferably on the Steam Forums asking for advice.

However, I would like to remind people that most players visiting this page will not have played the map yet. Also, that many players prefer to avoid spoilers until after they have had a few goes at a map.

As such, please try to avoid requesting/posting spoilers on THIS page. By all means, request help on the Steam Forums though.
If you feel you must post a spoiler, please give your post a suitable title, ie [SPOILER] and use the spoiler box option to hide the text of the spoiler.

I would like


Map: Slope By: Grimlar



Author: Grimlar
Map Name: Slope
Intended Audience: forever free maps
Submitted On: 2018-07-09 18:45:30
Last Updated On: 2018-07-09 18:45:32

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– Authors Map Description –

Slippery Slope
Commander, our intel reports that the enemy are making a push for one of our offshore power stations.
This situation is a litte unusual due to the small size of the site, its a bit more cramped than you may be used to. You will need to make good use of the extenal video system to be able see all of the defensive locations.
Good luck.

You will almost certainly need to rotate the camera (normally Q and E,) and zoom in and out a bit to be able to see all of the tower tiles, there is no one location where you can see everything.

My apologies to anyone looking for a super grinder mission, the map is simply too small for that, a such I included a HVY5 mission instead.

Scoreboost is not available for any mission.

There are no options available to buy on the Command Shuttle in any mission.

The following missions are included:
Story, Story Competetive Only, Story Open Only, Heavy 5 Competitive Only, Heavy 5 Open Only

Competitive Only missions are intended to be played on Competitive Hard difficulty and Open Only missions are intended to be played on Open Elite. You can play them on other difficulty levels but the gold medal scores will be less relevant.

Note: The Story/Campaign mission does not upload the score to the leaderboards. This is a HPE issue and I cannot fix it. For that reason, this mission is considered to be a practice mission for players who want a slightly easier challenge or have few if any Tower Upgrade Items. For everyone else please use the other Story missions.

All Competitive Only missions have been beaten on Competitive Hard. All Open Only missions have been beaten on Open Elite.
When I say beaten, I mean gold medal scores with no cores lost.

Thanks must go to OCD and Sir Mien who have helped with testing this map. All errors, bugs and balance issues are of course my responsibility not theirs.

If you find any mission too easy on Open Elite, then consider trying the Competitive Hard version of the mission, I am told that it is usually harder. If that is still too easy then feel free to try Competitive Elite mode.

If you find the missions to be too easy on Competitive Elite, or find any other issues, then please post a comment below giving as much information as possible whilst avoiding spoilers.

If you find any mission (other than Competitive Elite,) to be too difficult, then please consider the following options.

1) Rewind a couple of waves and try a slightly different strategy.
2) Start again with a different plan in mind
3) Try a different mission type, or drop the difficulty level. Beat that and come back, hopefully with a different point of view.
4) If you still have problems then post a comment either here, or preferably on


Map: CnSq By: Grimlar



Author: Grimlar
Map Name: CnSq
Intended Audience: forever free maps
Submitted On: 2018-04-13 00:16:33
Last Updated On: 2018-04-13 00:16:34

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Users have rated this map:
10 votes
– Authors Map Description –

Central Square Revisited
This is a conversion of one of the maps included in the community map pack for DG1.

Its not a faithful reproduction, there are a number of differences to the map and the missions and scripts for this map are completely different. Hopefully a different challenge.

Note: The missions for this map are intended to be relatively tough, if at first you dont succeed, try it on an easier setting. Also, there are multiple options available on the command shuttle, it is expected that you will need to use at least one or two of them.

The basic map was started just before DG2 was launched, but for various reasons it always got put to one side, not being able to include flying aliens was one problem, no scripts suitable for three spawn points was another. But the map layout was completed fairly early on.

Anyway, I finally made in-roads into getting the missions/scripts sorted out earlier this year.

My apologies to anyone looking for a super grinder mission, however, I should point out that the HVY10 mission does last for more than an hour at normal speed and contains a lot of aliens.

Scoreboost is not available for any mission.
There are options available to buy on the Command Shuttle on all missions.

The following missions are included:
Story, Story Competetive Only, Story Open Only, Hvy 10 Competitive Only, Hvy10 Open Only, Challenge Competitive Only and Challenge Open Only.

Competitive Only and Open Only missions shoudl be fairly self explanatory.

Story is a custom 36 wave script, end of wave rewards build up until wave 25 and then tail off. Takes about half and hour to play at normal speed.
Challenge is a very similar script, with a few alterations. Players generally have more resources, the aliens are tougher and you have no access to concussion, missile or boost towers. Takes slightly longer to play than the story mission.
Hvy10 is 10 large waves, over 3000 aliens and high scores in excess of 100 million. Takes over an hour to play at normal speed. Play this instead of super grinder.

Note: The Story/Campaign mission does not upload the score to the leaderboards. This is a HPE issue and I cannot fix it. For that reason, this map is considered to be a practice map for players who have few if any Tower Upgrade Items. For everyone else please use Story Competitive Only for Comp Hard or Story Open Only for Open Elite.

All Competitive Only missions have been beaten on Competitive Hard. Any Open Only missions have been beaten on Open Elite.
When I say beaten, I mean gold medal scores with no cores lost.

Thanks must go to OCD, TNTFTB, McB & Arthurs Foot who have helped with testing this map. All errors, bugs and balance issues are of course my responsibility not theirs.



Map: Cubical Moments Part 3 By: Grimlar

Cubical Moments Part 3


Author: Grimlar
Map Name: Cubical Moments Part 3
Intended Audience: forever free maps
Submitted On: 2018-03-01 07:03:27
Last Updated On: 2018-03-03 11:10:16

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– Authors Map Description –

A moments hope, comes with the dawn, but no help in sight, lost and forlorn.
A chance to escape, chase the night. Reach for the stars, my boat takes flight.

Available modes include: Story, Grinder, Focal Point, No Red Towers, Fully Loaded, Out Of Bullets, Frozen Core, Tower Limit, Super Grinder

Normal missions can be played in either comp or open modes.
Open Elite missions typically give the aliens approx 50% extra health and are intended for players looking to play Open mode Elite difficulty missions using Tower Upgrade Items.

Note. The Story/Campaign mission does not upload the score to the leaderboard, this is not something I can fix, it is a HPE issue. For this reason the Story/Campaign mission is considered to be a practice mission aimed at people who have few if any Tower Upgrade Items. As such, please use the Story Open elite mission if you want to play on Open Elite with Tower upgrade items and Story – Leaderboards for anybody else.

V1.1 A fix to the pathing.

This map is a follow on from Part 2, It has slightly more tower build locations, and a couple of command shuttle options but is more spread out, it provides a different challange to Parts 1 or 2. The spawn scripts for the different challenge modes are the same as for Parts 1 & 2, although the difficulties and gold medal scores may have been adjusted slightly to suit the map.

I am still hoping to release a few more in this series although the number of tower tiles available will continue to be higher than in the first two maps.

All normal (non Open Elite) modes have been beaten on Competitive No Sell Hard without losing any cores or aliens or using any command shuttle options.
All Open Elite modes have been beaten on Open Elite without losing any cores or aliens.

Thank you to OCD, TNTFTB, McB and Shark@tak for helping to test this map. Any errors are my responsibility not theirs.

A reminder for anyone who plays any Focal Point/Power Outage mission type, not just this map, enemies killed by the cursor do not add to your score. Damaging them seems to be fine, just dont kill them that way.

If you find the map too easy on any of the Open Elite missions, then consider trying the Competitive Hard/Elite version of the mission, I am told that these are usually harder.

If you find the missions to be too easy on Competitive Elite, or find any other issues, then please post a comment below giving as much information as possible whilst avoiding spoilers.

If you find any mission (other than Competitive Elite,) to be too difficult, then please consider the following options.


Map: ARRTI By: Grimlar



Author: Grimlar
Map Name: ARRTI
Intended Audience: forever free maps
Submitted On: 2017-12-22 19:54:26
Last Updated On: 2017-12-22 19:54:28

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Users have rated this map:
9 votes
– Authors Map Description –

A River Runs Through It

This is a conversion of one of the maps included in the community map pack for DG1.

Its not a faitful reproduction, there are some minor alterations to the map and the missions and scripts for this map are completely different. Hopefully a different challenge.

The basic map was put together not long after DG2 was launched, but for various reasons it always got put to one side, not being able to include flying aliens was one problem to start with, and I guess other maps appealed more.

Anyway, I finally made inroads into getting the missions/scripts sorted out earlier this year. Eveything was pretty much done until I ran into the 10Mb save file limit problem on the Super Grinder mission. Hence the delayed release.

So, my apologies to anyone hoping for a 100 wave Super Grinder, cutting it down in size was in the end the best way to get the map out to you all to play. I hope that the mission is acceptable as it stands.

For more information on the save file issue, please look at the explanation on the Festive Pumpkin map.

Scoreboost is not available for any mission.
There are options available to buy on the Command Shuttle on all missions.

The following missions are included:
Story, Story Leaderboard, Story TI, Fixed Resources, Fixed Resources TI, Flood, Flood TI, Hvy 5, Hvy5 TI, SuperGrinder and SuperGrinder TI.

Note: The Story or Campaign mission does not upload the score to the leaderboards. This is a HPE issue and I cannot fix it. For that reason, this map is considered to be a practice map for players who have few if any Tower Upgrade Items. For everyone else please use Story leaderboards for Comp Hard or Story Ti for Open Elite.

All normal missions have been beaten on Competitive Hard. Any TI missions have been beaten on Open Elite by OCD.
When I say beaten, I mean gold medal scores with no cores lost.

Thanks must go to OCD & TNTFTB, who have helped with testing this map. All errors, bugs and balance issues are of course my responsibility not theirs.

All modes, (ie open, comp no sell etc,) are available for the basic story mission. As scores are not posted to a leaderboard I consider it to be effectively a practice mode.

Missions with a TI added after the name can only be played in open modes and the aliens have a lot more health, it is expected that you will need Tower Items to beat them.
The normal version of the TI mission can only be played in competitive modes.

If you find any mission too easy on Open Elite, then consider trying the Competitive Hard version of the mission, I am told that it is usually harder. If that is still too
