Author: Grimlar Download Map: – Authors Map Description –Stairway An Offshore power plant is under attack. Over to you Commander. ——————————————————————————————— This was originally a map submission for the community map pack for DG1, first converted for DG2 back in August 2014 when the game was still in Beta. Its taken a lot of time and a lot of changes to get it to where it is today. I hope that you enjoy playing it. ——————————————————————————————— The save and resume feature will probably not work for the later stages of the longer missions. If you need to save your progress then I would suggest backspacing to maybe 10 waves earlier and hopefully that will work. ——————————————————————————————— V1.1 Makes a few changes to the Story script and the balance, particularly of the Competitive Hard Mission. ——————————————————————————————— Scoreboost is not available for any mission. The Command Shuttle should have three options for every mission. The Story & Super Grinder missions are included in both Competitive and Open form, plus there is a guest mission from Razcle that is available for Open play only. Competitive missions are intended to be played on Competitive Hard difficulty and Open missions are intended to be played on Open Elite. You can play them on other difficulty levels but the gold medal scores are aimed at those difficulties. The Competitive missions have all been beaten on Competitive Hard. The Open missions have been beaten on Open Elite. When I say beaten, I mean gold medal scores with no cores lost. Thanks must go to OCD & Razcle who have helped with testing the Open missions on this map. All errors, bugs and balance issues are of course my responsibility not theirs. ——————————————————————————————— Competitive Elite mode. If you find the missions to be too easy on Competitive Elite, or find any other issues, then please post a comment below giving as much information as possible whilst avoiding spoilers. If you find any mission (other than Competitive Elite,) to be too difficult, then please consider the following options. 1) Rewind a couple of waves and try a slightly different strategy. |