Map: Dazed and Confused By: razcle

Dazed and Confused


Author: razcle
Map Name: Dazed and Confused
Intended Audience: forever free maps
Submitted On: 2023-08-29 11:14:59
Last Updated On: 2023-08-29 11:14:59

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– Authors Map Description –

< Commander: The Aliens are found to have Electromagnetic hypersensitivity and become disoriented when they are subjected to strong Electro-Magnetic Fields. This station uses an ion bath and charged floor plate that has the aliens running around in a confused frenzy. They will eventually get to the cores, but are unable to take a direct path. Take advantage of the confusion, and exploit this physiological response of the invaders. >


– this map is different from most, it is similar to the three earlier "Befuddled"
maps i have made …… this type of map is fun to make, and offers an interesting

– my sincere thanks P4P1PRO, Proutos and Walsingham – for being there to support,
play this map through, looking for bugs or problems that i did not see and
giving valuable feedback ….. it is appreciated

– all cores saved and gold medal achieved @ the Elite setting

– if you find anything; a bug or problem that got by us – please let me
know below in the comments


< story >
– 30 waves – practice mode
– easiest mission – the score not saved to leaderboard

< story LB >
– 40 larger waves of mixed aliens

< super X grinder >
– 150 waves of mixed aliens


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10 months ago

Cool map! Love the ever changing center. It really forces you to be creative with defenses…

10 months ago

Nice map, took a bit to get the idea, ;O

Jolly Roger
Jolly Roger
10 months ago

What? Wow!