All posts by razcle

Map: Nok er Nok By: razcle

Nok er Nok


Author: razcle
Map Name: Nok er Nok
Intended Audience: forever free maps
Submitted On: 2024-07-18 12:50:44
Last Updated On: 2024-07-18 12:50:45

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– Authors Map Description –

< Commander: We’ve reached a critical juncture. Intel confirms an unprecedented aerial assault is imminent. The skies will be swarming with enemy units, and they’re coming in fast and furious. Their objective: to obliterate our outpost and crush our resolve.
This time, Commander, we’re not just holding the line. We’re drawing it. – Enough is enough! –
We’ve fortified our defenses, but this onslaught requires a new level of tactical acumen; those alien birds of prey are coming in hot and heavy. You’ll need to adapt quickly and prioritize anti-air measures. Expect coordinated attacks, with multiple squadrons converging on key points simultaneously.
This isn’t just another mission. It’s a statement. We’re telling those alien invaders that their reign of terror ends here. Show them the true meaning of resistance. The survival of this base hinges on your strategic prowess. The skies will be teeming with enemy crafts, and it’s up to you to turn their advance into a graveyard. >


– Nok er Nok is Norwegian for Enough is Enough

– this map is the second map i have tried my hand at aerial aliens,
they are lot more work to create and to tune than conventional DG2 maps
….. but i did enjoy them in DG1 …….. i hope i got this one right

– a big thank you to those who support and encourage me to continue

– all cores can be saved and gold medal achieved @ the Elite setting

– if you find anything; a bug or problem that managed to escape notice
—– please let me know below in the comments


in order of difficulty

< story >
– 40 waves – practice mode
-the score not saved to leaderboard

< story LB >
– 40 healthier mixed waves

< super grinder >
– 100 mixed waves

< super G challenge >
– 100 healthy waves of mixed aliens
– no score boosts



Map: Armed and Ambulant By: razcle

Armed and Ambulant


Author: razcle
Map Name: Armed and Ambulant
Intended Audience: forever free maps
Submitted On: 2024-07-04 18:29:22
Last Updated On: 2024-07-04 18:29:23

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– Authors Map Description –

< Commander: An important lunar outpost is facing a high level of threat and requires deployment of all available resources. All moving weapons platforms are to be deployed along the established defensive paths. Prioritize securing strategic chokepoints and critical infrastructure. Due to the limited number of positions for defensive towers available, use long paths to provide additional time for our weapons to weaken and destroy the incoming alien attackers. These aliens are tough, a steady rain of destructive force is required to crack their exo-skeletons. Take no prisoners, total extirpation is required. >


– a map with long paths that will give you a fun time or hard challenge
depending on your mode …..
– where you build, what you build, when you build and when you upgrade
can determine your success

– any feedback at all can help me continue to improve on the maps i make

– a big thank you to those who support and encourage me to continue

– if you find anything; a bug or problem that managed to escape notice …
please let me know below in the comments


in order of difficulty

< story >
– 35 waves – practice mode
– the score not saved to leaderboard

< story LB >
– 40 waves of mixed aliens

< super grinder >
– 101 strong mixed waves

< super X grinder >
– 142 mixed waves

< the Whole Shebang >
– 81 strong healthy waves



Map: Tangled Web By: razcle

Tangled Web


Author: razcle
Map Name: Tangled Web
Intended Audience: forever free maps
Submitted On: 2024-06-28 10:17:56
Last Updated On: 2024-06-28 10:17:57

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– Authors Map Description –

< Commander: The orbiting station, known as "the Web", is a labyrinth of tangled pathways, patches, and additions. Over the years, the station has grown haphazardly as new modules were added to accommodate the growing population of workers and researchers for the expanding orbital industries and labs. The result is a jumble of corridors and compartments that seemed to twist and turn endlessly, creating a confusing maze for anyone unfamiliar with its layout.
Rumors of the impending assault has spread like wildfire among the station’s inhabitants, causing anxiety and fear to grip the once bustling community. As the first warning alarms begin to sound, the tangled web of passageways and makeshift structures will take on a sinister air, hindering your defenses. >


– this is a fun map with many different ways to go about playing …..
choose your path and towers well …. it can make or break your defense

– any feedback at all can help me continue to improve on the maps i make

– a big thank you to those who support and encourage me to continue

– if you find anything; a bug or problem that managed to escape notice …
please let me know below in the comments

in approximate order of difficulty

< story >
– 30 waves – practice mode
– the score not saved to leaderboard

< story LB >
– 35 waves of mixed aliens

< super grinder >
– 101 strong mixed waves

< super X grinder >
– 142 mixed waves

< super G challenge >
– 81 strong healthy waves
– No score boosts



Map: Borborygmus By: razcle



Author: razcle
Map Name: Borborygmus
Intended Audience: forever free maps
Submitted On: 2024-06-23 12:01:46
Last Updated On: 2024-06-23 12:01:47

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6 votes
– Authors Map Description –

< Commander: Report to your designated assignment immediately. The intermittent gurgling sounds of the outpost, called Borborygmus, may soon be drowned out by the roar of battle. We are at DEFCON 1. Prepare for hostile contact. Secure the perimeter. Activate all defensive systems. This outpost may be named for its strange sounds, but it will not be its final dirge. We fight to the last man. >


– this map has an unique feature …. the ground level platforms that
move at the approximate speed of the aliens …. it is a lot of fun to
watch them at work

– a big thank you to those who support and encourage me to continue

– all cores can be saved and gold medal achieved @ the Elite setting

– if you find anything; a bug or problem that managed to escape notice
—– please let me know below in the comments


in order of difficulty

< story >
– 35 waves – practice mode
-the score not saved to leaderboard

< story LB >
– 42 waves of mixed aliens

< super grinder >
– 124 mixed waves

< super X grinder >
– 65 strong mixed waves

< super G challenge >
– 81 healthy waves of mixed aliens
– no score boosts



Map: Flashback LSD By: razcle

Flashback – LSD


Author: razcle
Map Name: Flashback – LSD
Intended Audience: forever free maps
Submitted On: 2024-06-12 14:40:50
Last Updated On: 2024-06-12 14:40:52

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– Authors Map Description –

━━━━━ Leary Space Depot ━━━━━

< Commander: The Leary Space Depot, established on the asteroid LSD-25, is again on the aliens hit list. The energies in that sector are very strange, mind bending and alters perception. It can be quite unsettling or mind expanding, depending on your psychological profile.
Have a nice trip. Remember to keep your mind on the task, and .. ahh … don’t drink the Kool-Aid! >

“When the light turns green, you go. When the light turns red, you stop. But what do you do when the light turns blue with orange and lavender spots?”
― Shel Silverstein, from A Light in the Attic


– another older map i thought would be fun to redo and modernize it ….
with better scripts and extra tiles

– any feedback at all can help me continue to improve on the maps i make

– a big thank you to those who support and encourage me to continue

– if you find anything; a bug or problem that managed to escape notice …
please let me know below in the comments


in approximate order of difficulty

< story >
– 30 waves – practice mode
– the score not saved to leaderboard

< story LB >
– 42 waves of mixed aliens
– Command shuttle option = corner platforms

< super grinder >
– 100 mixed waves
– Command shuttle option = corner platforms

< grinder >
– 100 waves of walkers
– Boss last wave
– Command shuttle raises corner platforms

< super X grinder >
– 142 healthy mixed waves
– Command shuttle activates corner platforms



Map: Axe n Dent All Re done By: razcle

Axe n Dent All – Re-done


Author: razcle
Map Name: Axe n Dent All – Re-done
Intended Audience: forever free maps
Submitted On: 2024-06-02 12:05:58
Last Updated On: 2024-06-02 12:05:59

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– Authors Map Description –

< Commander: You’re entering a battlefield forged in the heart of a shattered world, an arena where chaos is the only constant. The crystalline structures you see? They’re not just for show. They’re a tactical nightmare, obscuring enemy movements and shielding their advances.
Expect relentless assaults. Resources are tight, cores are limited, and your margin for error is non-existent. Your defenses need to be tighter than a drum, and your strategies sharper than a diamond-tipped blade.
Anticipate every possible move. This isn’t just a fight, it’s a survival test. >


– i was looking back at some of my older maps and found some that i really
liked, but due to my lack of knowledge and skills at the time …. never
reached their potential …….. i have decided to re-do some of them
– this was one i enjoyed at the time … and thought it would be nice to
bring up to date

– any feedback at all can help me continue to improve on the maps i make

– a big thank you to those who support and encourage me to continue

– if you find anything; a bug or problem that managed to escape notice …
please let me know below in the comments


in order of difficulty

< story >
– 35 waves – practice mode
-the score not saved to leaderboard

< story LB >
– 42 waves of mixed aliens

< super X grinder >
– 142 mixed waves

< super G challenge >
– 95 strong healthy waves
– No score boosts

< Survival > – Do or Die!
– 65 healthy waves of mixed aliens
– no score boosts – sliding platform activated
– save at least one core = Gold



Map: Chevron Char By: razcle

Chevron Char


Author: razcle
Map Name: Chevron Char
Intended Audience: forever free maps
Submitted On: 2024-05-21 19:01:19
Last Updated On: 2024-05-21 19:01:20

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Users have rated this map:
6 votes
– Authors Map Description –

< Commander: Your latest mission brings you to a godforsaken stretch of scorched earth we’re calling Chevron Char. The layout’s a nightmare – a damned zigzag pattern that gives little room for defenses. The enemy can be funneled to a predictable path, but don’t let that fool you into thinking this will be easy. Intel indicates a relentless surge of hostiles intent on breaching our defenses. Your objective is clear: hold the line at all costs.
Your weapons are state-of-the-art and deadly, choose them well. When up against such brute force, success hinges on strategic and tactical deployment and constant vigilance. Let’s see if you can turn this burning chevron into their charred grave. >


– this was a fun one for me to make and test/tune …. i hope you have fun
with it also ….
– there is a sliding platform that will slide back and forth that you can
choose when to activate, or not, from the command shuttle …

– the survival mode on this map is a new and different script from the
last map ….. i have found there is no "one script fits all" with this
mode – for me that made no sense check it out – it is challenging, fun, and
feels good to finish the last wave … but has turned out to be a lot of work
… please let me know what you think about it, … should i keep making
them? … will anybody play them? … do you have suggestions to improve it,
or ideas for other modes?

– any feedback at all can help me continue to improve on the maps i make

– a big thank you to those who support and encourage me to continue

– if you find anything; a bug or problem that managed to escape notice …
please let me know below in the comments


in approximate order of difficulty

< story >
– 40 waves – practice mode
– the score not saved to leaderboard

< story LB >
– 42 waves of mixed aliens
– Command shuttle option activates Sliding platform

< super X grinder >
– 150 mixed waves
– Command shuttle option activates Sliding platform

< story LB challenge >
– 45 strong mixed waves
– no score boosts
– Sliding platform activated by Command shuttle

< super G challenge >
– 90 strong healthy mixed waves
– No score boosts
– Command shuttle activates Sliding platform

< Survival > – Do or Die!
– 175 healthy waves of mixed aliens
– Command shuttle option activates Sliding platform
– save at least one core = Gold



Map: Asteria Prime By: razcle

Asteria Prime


Author: razcle
Map Name: Asteria Prime
Intended Audience: forever free maps
Submitted On: 2024-05-13 12:43:21
Last Updated On: 2024-05-13 12:43:22

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– Authors Map Description –

< Commander: Your mission dossier for deployment on Asteria Prime is locked and loaded. The stakes are high, and I won’t sugarcoat the risks. The asteroid has been maneuvered into a stable orbit on the Mars side of the Asteroid Belt, safe from the Chaos Zone with its unpredictable space debris and magnetic storms. The strategic positioning of Asteria makes it a valuable asset.
Your primary objective is to secure and operationalize the base. Your role will be crucial in managing the defence under real-time combat conditions. Success on Asteria Prime doesn’t just mean securing a piece of rock and ensuring our foothold in the region. It’s about bringing a military presence, and the enforcement of law and order to this region of the Belt.


– a very large and split map …. aliens will enter at two of the corners
and exit on the diagonally opposite corner …… meaning any cores that
get dropped by a dead alien will be picked up by incoming aliens going back
towards the core housing and the other exit

– check out the survival mode ….. and let me know what you think about it,
….. should i keep making them? … will anybody play them? do you have
suggestions to improve it … or ideas for other modes?
– any feedback at all can help me continue to improve on the maps i make

– a big thank you to those who support and encourage me to continue

– if you find anything; a bug or problem that managed to escape notice …
please let me know below in the comments


in order of difficulty

< story >
– 35 waves – practice mode
-the score not saved to leaderboard

< story LB >
– 42 waves of mixed aliens

< super X grinder >
– 142 mixed waves

< super Story >
– 65 strong mixed waves

< super G challenge >
– 81 strong healthy waves
– No score boosts

< Survival > – Do or Die!
– 175 healthy waves of mixed aliens
– no score boosts to waste resources on
– score is not important
– save at least one core = Gold



Map: Committed 6 By: razcle

Committed 6


Author: razcle
Map Name: Committed 6
Intended Audience: forever free maps
Submitted On: 2024-05-11 12:59:47
Last Updated On: 2024-05-11 12:59:47

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Users have rated this map:
4 votes
– Authors Map Description –

< Commander: The construction of Station #253 has halted due to a pending raid. A section of the station will be given over to your control, That will be your workspace. It is small and you get one chance! Build your defense, quickly, before the platform moves out of your zone into its permanent location and is replaced with another.
Your commitment to a strategy and ability to act decisively under extreme time constraints will save the outpost from certain destruction. Swift decision-making and unwavering dedication to the strategy, will crush the alien forces and secure the outpost’s safety. >


– this map like others in the Committed series of maps…. will give you a
small area in which to build your defenses and a limited amount of waves
to do it in .. …. before sliding out of the build zone, and another fresh
platform slides in to replace it

– Thanks to Walsingham – for testing ….. it is very much appreciated

– all cores saved and gold medal achieved @ the Elite setting

– if you find anything; a bug or problem that got by us – please let me
know below in the comments


< story >
– 35 waves – practice mode
– easiest mission – the score not saved to leaderboard
– – transforms after waves 5 and 25

< story LB >
– 42 waves mixed aliens
– transforms after waves 8, 25,39

< super grinder >
– 80 mixed waves
– transforms after waves 5, 25, 50, 75

< super X grinder >
-140 large mixed waves
– transforms after waves 3, 30, 80, 120



Map: Spit into the Wind By: razcle

Spit into the Wind


Author: razcle
Map Name: Spit into the Wind
Intended Audience: forever free maps
Submitted On: 2024-05-01 18:38:13
Last Updated On: 2024-05-01 18:38:13

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Users have rated this map:
3 votes
– Authors Map Description –

< Commander: Sometimes, in life, you have to "spit into the wind" and face challenges head-on, no matter how daunting they may seem. This is one of those situations. The overwhelming odds are stacked against you. Grim determinism, grit and a steadfast resolve will prove your allies.
Your mission is to make certain that when hostilities cease and the dust settles, this outpost, stands tall as a symbol of defiance. A testament to the indomitable spirit of those who dare – to spit into the wind. >


– a very large map with different configurations of spawns and exits
for different modes

– a big thank you to those who support and encourage me to continue

– all cores can be saved and gold medal achieved @ the Elite setting

– if you find anything; a bug or problem that managed to escape notice
—– please let me know below in the comments


in order of difficulty

< story >
– 35 waves – practice mode
-the score not saved to leaderboard

< story LB >
– 42 waves of mixed aliens
– 4 spawn points

< super X grinder >
– 142 mixed waves
– 4 spawn points

< super Story >
– 65 strong mixed waves
– 2 spawns and exits on lower levels

< Survival > – Do or Die!
– 175 healthy waves of mixed aliens
– no score boosts – score is not important
– save at least one core = Gold

