– Authors Map Description –
< Commander: As the final hours of the year tick away, the old space defense grid, once the pride of humanity’s cosmic vigilance, is bracing for an attack. But tonight is different; this New Year’s Eve, as the clock approaches midnight, you must re-boot the grid. The ancient systems, are being painstakingly restored, replaced with advanced nanotechnology and will be brought online as you fight.
The fireworks will erupt back on Earth but the only ones you’ll see, will be the explosive response of a hastily re-newed defense grid. >
– i like these type of maps and had a lot of fun with it, i hope your
experience is the same
– piece by piece, the map will grow as the waves progress
– there is a 55 wave mode called < gibbled Grid > … on this
mode the fighting has damaged the mechanized grid ….
…… the map will behave like it is broken —- deal with it!
– < the Whole Shebang > is the complete map all at once from the start
– any feedback at all can help me continue to improve on the maps i make
– a big thank you to those who support and encourage me to continue
– if you find anything; a bug or problem that managed to escape notice …
please let me know below in the comments
< story >
– 45 waves – easier practice mode
– the score not saved to leaderboard
< story LB >
– 45 healthier waves of mixed aliens
< super grinder >
– 125 mixed waves
< the Whole Shebang >
– 125 mixed waves
– map is fully open at the start
< gibbled Grid >
– 55 mixed waves
– the map is broken … deal with it!
< super Story >
– 76 healthy waves