Author: Shark@tak Download Map: – Authors Map Description –<—– FINAL —–> Survival – 150 Waves – You have 90 seconds and 5000 Resources to get your defenses up Commander – Don’t waste them There is an Asteroid close by , As it passes , Darkness Comes |
Final Version
I played with Fast Forward on – no Lag
Gameplay seems ok to me – but You be the Judge heh
I do like the way the building lights seem to Turn on when the Asteroid Shadow passes over 🙂
Oh, I also stopped the Mobs from going through the buildings lol
5 stars, it is great now. No more lag and a great map :). I like to see the aliens go around the house hehe.
Well, It’s about Time haha.
Thanks for letting me know 🙂
Anyone got gold on open elite story mode on the final version without juggling.
Yea no problem for me. Got it twice until now.
Interesting that with Professor Cai and nothing even making it to the core housing top score of 66 million and with the same build using Professor Briel and the cores all over the build i get 76 million. So from what i have seen is that when resources get to a certain point the score % you lose from the cores out of the housing is way less the score you get from the resource muiltplier.
In my Opinion – It should be like DG1 – If you use the Special Lasers – you don’t get the kill score
As a Deterant to using them
I hate the score system of DG2, yea it should be like DG1. The fact than killing aliens very close to the core give you more is stupid. I personally hate this score system.
I tend to use Zacarra – boost guns etc – it has a time down so guns are exceptional for about 20 seconds – plus you still get hit points 🙂
thanks! the lags have significantly been reduced, though not completely eliminated. epic battles are always fun to watch, and this map delivers on this front 🙂
I added a New Mode
“No Concussion Towers”
Give it a go – You might need to start on Easy 😉 hehe
As I’m sure you are aware by now, ‘No Concussion Towers’ doesn’t work.
Unless that was just a suggestion?
Hum, weird, i still can use concussion in the mode. Concussion is the one who throw grenade around? In french it is Supression. Test it you will see hehe. 🙂
Sorry, I don’t know why it didn’t Update properly
Version -7 has fixed the No Concussion Mode
I dont know what you have done but it is completly unplayable right now, the lag is VERY intense. Pressing backspace take 10 sec to go to the last save. There is something wrong or my cpu will die real soon hehe.
Well, My System works fine on Version 5 and 7
AMD Athlon II x2 260 3.20 Ghz
8 Gig Ram
Windows 7 64 bit
AMD Radeon HD 6570 Graphics Card (2 gig)
This System is at least 4 Years old btw
Maybe you shouldn’t play this map 🙂
hehe yea. this is pretty weird but i seriously think something broke the first time i played the map. There was a BEEEEP sound ans 1 frame/second and stupidly i continued playing. Since then, i have a problem with lag on this map. I still love it, i just finished it without concussion tower. This was a serious fight 🙂 .
P.S. dont tell it to my wife, this is the way i found to tell her than i need to change my cpu hehe 🙂
ok, I won’t tell your Wife heh
Yeah I played without Concussion too, It just goes to show How really Effective Concussion Towers are
I tried without Concussion AND Temporal Towers – Now THAT was waaaay tooo hard lol
i used mostly gun with tower item 30 degree cone temporal too. I did not tried without temporal, most be hard as hell. You should make a map without temporal and concussion but starting with 10000 not 5000 or maybe use +20 credit not +10. It could be interesting 5000 with +20 hummm yea would be cool i think. I dont know if you can change that to work only with that option or if the +20 is automatic with all mission. I have no idea how you can separate the $ with the mission or if it is with the map and you cant change the amout depending the mission you choose ex :(normal = 5000 +10 without concussion and temporal = 5000 +20)??
Your wish has been granted – 10,000 for No Concussion Mode
New Update
150 Waves
Start with 5000 resources and 90 seconds from first build ( Watch for the “Landing Crafts” arrival )
and Wave Bonuses aren’t as prolific now
Hopefully it is Challenging enough – And Doesn’t Blow up your PC lol
Thanks, but the map is unplayable on my PC. It lags my PC to the extent that by the 4th wave, it restarted my PC. No game is worth killing my PC for. As it’s probably my PC problem, I’ll refrain from scoring the map. I look forward to your future contributions :).
I dont know what you changed but there is less lag. I dont see why there is so many waves because all the towers i have made to kill wave 1-250 were done before wave 10 so i was just waiting. None of the aliens have reach the core in 250 wave. 1 or 2 were close but thats because of the lag.
The towers:
I will give a 5 satrs finally. I love the map but it is not for my cpu. I probably have broke something in it since it is lagging from the beginning now… I saw than you have made a new update. I will try it. But Watch out ppl, this game can seriously damage your cpu lol.
Ok, V4
I did a bit of tweaking – Got Heaps more to go – trying to Link Dark Shadows to Spawn – trouble is – when I do , Later waves are Affected – – please bare with me as I get this right – and as Always , laugh at my mistakes 😉 Cheers guys – I intend getting it right
So Enjoy – Maybe
Hint :- During the slow times – zoom out and watch the planet slide by 🙂
Version 4 zip score 723,729,280
Most of the lag is gone.
Could do with dropping start money back to 10k or stopping the resources at wave 100 as 20k starting resources is making the scores to high. Should at the end of the game have 50k resources tops left over as in this game i had over 1 million so that blows the score out.
The only thing i can see is that the rumblers health maybe a little on the high side.
Overall this is just getting better and better.
Thanks for the Feedback M8 – Hope you don’t mind a lot of Versions , gotta get it right lol
Sorry Guys – Tried to fix the Lag with Version _3 – did that – but SOOOOO Boring – please wait for next update – 🙁
Wow.. pretty cool.. this brought my system to the brink.. looks like I’ll have to upgrade 🙂
I work for Alienware – maybe I can get you a good deal 😉
– Haha just kidding
Wish I was tho
Good Job – But I REALLY like the Wheels on that pic site – I have a Pajero 4wd 🙂 Cheers
Which wheels? My FJ, Tundra, Sonata, Tiburon, or Buell .. hehe..
Pajero 4wd.. ahh then you must mean the TRD wheels on the Tundra! 🙂 I take that thing off roading lots!! If you ever find yourself in southern california I’m buying beers and bullets and we’ll go 4×4’ing!
Um yeah sure – I live in Australia but, you never know , I might win the Lotto and come over there 🙂
Fixed nicely, thank you.
Made my shiny new GTX 970 grunt for the first time.
That’s a lot of millions – and a lot of towers.
Open/Hard, over 135 minutes playtime.
good to see 🙂 well done Mister GTX970
Does anyone use the new Broadcast thing on steam ? I want to watch you play
Hmmm maybe that’s why the Lag ?
Nope, i was lagging so damn badly. 10 more minutes and im sure my cpu would have blown. I tried to play another time immediately after ant it was lagging from the beginning so my cpu was too hot…
Ok, now imk lagging from wave 46 to the end, completly unplayable, i tried to reduce all graphic to minimum, the first time i played it was not too bad until wave 100+ now, i have 1 frame/5 sec from wave 30
Hum 1 star lol, i always play map at elite difficulty. I hate playing with other difficulty. I did not download this map for now, i will try just hoping not be disapointed. I will judge the map not the wave since the wave can be adjusted but i will play elite.
Just forgot to say, i HATE the arena. I really appreciate the map (Arena) but the wave is just totally useless. Just saw than you used the wave from that map. I will not like it. Bah, lets try to see the map.
Well I got a 100 Million that says you can play it on Elite 😉
Just made it too but i admit, on easy. I had so many lag than i was sure my video card could explode. Less than 1fps.
Have Tweaked the waves , health is now at 75%
I managed 92 Million on Open/Hard
I am afraid there’s a bit of Lag nearing the End -(So not for Mac’s HaHa)- but, only in short periods
Hell yes this is bloody great. Concussions, lasers, and temperols only used for the win
Nicely Done 🙂
Your core housing looks lonely heh
It’s great to see how other people play the same map 🙂
I used 337 towers LOL
Thank you for all your comments, keep them coming
This is just the perlimenary draft – ,
as you can imagine, It will take me quite awhile to go thru 300 waves Tweaking etc
Expect an Update in the year 2020 haha
But i do like the “Practice Mode” Suggestion, Cheers Trash
I’ll get on it right away
I have a problem with the Decoys on this level – suddenly they are tougher than Juggernauts or Crashers.
Playing Open/Easy, been playing for over an hour, up to level 76, but that’s about as far as I’m going to get, I think.
Like the arena, stupid and frustrating with indestructible ennemies.
omg !! “like the Arena” woohoo !! Thank you
The Arena was a “Concept” meaning a “Test” ( a Learning Thing) – We Learned from it , and I must admit , I got pee’d off with it’s “Spam” – but , You know what ? We adapt gameplay to at least try to beat it 😉 good Luck
Great idea but the resources side of this needs a rethink as their is not enough to do anything with or change it to practice mode. And Operation40’s “Wave Generator” is just trolling us lol. May need to start with 100k resources not 1000 as the waves are just to hard to beat with the resources that we get . Trolled by the wave generator from wave 75 and all cores lost at wave 100 on open easy.