Map: Simmer and Seethe By: razcle

Simmer and Seethe


Author: razcle
Map Name: Simmer and Seethe
Intended Audience: forever free maps
Submitted On: 2024-01-31 13:02:10
Last Updated On: 2024-01-31 13:02:11

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– Authors Map Description –

< Commander: On a remote outpost, a sense of unease is beginning to simmer and seethe. The outpost, dedicated to scientific exploration and peaceful coexistence, has long been a beacon of hope. However, a depressive fog of paranoia has blanketed the facility. As their suspicions intensified, the simmering tension reached its boiling point. The aliens have launched their attack and the once tranquil atmosphere is now filled with a palpable fear and uncertainty. The outpost’s inhabitants, caught off guard and armed only with their wits, are preparing to face the imminent alien attack. With their hopes for peaceful coexistence shattered, the inhabitants have requested our intervention. >
< Commander: Quickly establish your defense grid, terminate the invaders and cool down the tensions. >


– the map has a Command Shuttle option and many path options

– there is a < NoBoost-superG > that has a DG1 flavour and also a
< YIKES > mode – 16 large full waves that will provide an hour of
challenging and attentive game play

– thank you Walsingham, for the very important testing and feedback

– all cores can be saved and gold medal achieved @ the Elite setting

– if you find anything; a bug or problem that managed to escape notice
—– please let me know below in the comments


in order of difficulty

< story >
– 35 waves – practice mode
– Command Shuttle option
– easiest mission – the score not saved to leaderboard

< story LB >
– 40 waves of mixed aliens
– Command Shuttle option

< NoBoost-superG >
– 101 mixed waves
– Command Shuttle option
– No Boosts – Score, Power or Disruptors
– No inexpensive path builders

< super X grinder >
– 142 strong mixed waves

– 16 crazy waves of mixed aliens
– Buckle Up!

< super G challenge >
– 90 healthy strong waves of mixed aliens
– Command Shuttle option
– No score boosts


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5 months ago


5 months ago

Excellent map! Some nice path options and very challenging!