Author: Shark@tak Download Map: – Authors Map Description –We have constructed a Kill Zone near the Cores Utilise the command shuttle’s ability to add even more killzones if/when needed Goodluck and Enjoy the carnage |
Any tips for grinding juggernauts on normal? I can’t kill wave 5 or after. I feel like I’m missing something.
Heres a set up that works easy and will get you through Elite no problems…Make sure all weapons you use are at level 5 or you have no chance 🙂
I like the challenge, but this is insane on elite mode!!!!
Level 25 is Impossible!! But I do like a challenge 🙂
Shark will love your comment 🙂
I do 😉
Some MORE Content from anyone other than ME would be great guys.
Try to master “Architect” , It IS fun 🙂
Please !
You’re right Sharky. I’ve tried 1 year ago to create a level. The architecture works fine but I became mad because of the aliens. I wasn’t able to script the appearance of the troups in a right way. Yes, I know there is something like a tutorial, but it isn’t perfect and I’m not a native english-speaker (I bet you noticed that ;-)).
Sharky sells sea shells by the sea shore…….. 🙂
I couldn’t reply…..
But erm I plaice sole control of the flounder in Sharky’s mouth erm fins ?
omg !! your humour has a lot to be desired rofl
i sea what you are seaing. he is crasea
What a Boatload of puns you guys have
looks like i might have to eat a naval orange ?
Just ONE more comment – MIGHT , produce a new map guys 😉
Just sayin
One more comment? Okay Sharky, you been eating some fish? Get to it already……
This all sounds a bit fishy to me ??????
Indeed, somewhat fishy in a shallow sea.
I sea what you mean. I hope its not too rough.
that was a lot of fun, thanx
You a very welcome – glad you liked it 🙂
Great job Shark! I got 25,7m on elite.
Thanks – good score – Dammit !!! hehe
——For those who are struggling with Gold on maps…Showing pathing and slowing down game—-
• Note it isn’t even necessary to do the long pathing to get Gold but it helps with scoring
• Must have weapons upgrades at level 5
I chose Easy Leaderboard below so it doesn’t show the final gun setups etc used for Elite but will show you how to slow your game down. When playing Elite there is a balance between defending and pathing spend and that will be up to the player to work out.
Hope to see many more players in the Gold zone 🙂
Pathing Open Easy
Score Open Easy
Hey anst welcome to to world of Gold 🙂
Great to see you are up there…..enjoy 🙂
SWEET FANCY MOSES !@!! GGGGGOOOOOLLLLLDDDD on 60 wave normal… now for hard ! 🙂
Going by all your screenshots – you LIKE this map :)))
(Using my best Oliver Twist voice) Please Sir, can we have some more? 🙂
Fantastic Map, Sharky! Hours of fun…
Nice , more to come – we have another year on the website finances :)) thanks to the donators
Great map, thank you very much!
I also have problems getting the gold medaille for elite.
Let’s see whether killing only short before the aliens get the cores improves here…
Is there a “penalty” for using too many towers? I have cleared the map on story and story 60 rounds, both normal difficulty. No loss of cores and yet just shy of Gold… don’t get me wrong, I love the challenge ! But as there is no “score boost” to the boost platforms.. there must be a way.. must find teh secret! lol Back to the drawing board ! 🙂
yes there is a sort of penalty ie if you use less towers your resources are higher which is what gives you the higher score.
DG1 and DG2 work on the more resources you have the higher your score
Build only when needed will help 🙂
Also you gain a higher score by keeping the aliens alive as long as possible. Dont kill them when they enter and route your killzone accordingly.
You get a higher score because your resources have increase a bit before you kill them or is there an other mechanism ?
I seem to get a lower score when I try for a higher one so I have missed something essential 🙂
In the “Heart of the Abomination” map it is easy to make the aliens walk a very long path but I get a lower score when I do it. In fact on some maps I struggle to get even bronze score even though I manage my resources carefully. It may have to do with me playing hard mode and not elite like most people here, so perhaps I should try to join the elite 🙂
Best regards and thanks once more to Sharky who got five starts even though I haven’t tried the map yet 🙂
Hey anst not sure what the quote button does here but it’s a spoiler for those who don’t want to know
Hope that helps :)
So you don’t think you are fighting a losing battle I have played all the modes on hard for you to get the Gold medals and linked a screen shot below (for some reason Steam won’t log my scores on Leaderboard anymore so I don’t exist)
while im at it this is open elite so you know they are doable
To give you an idea of how many resources I had left at the finish:
Also use Briel on this map
Anybody wants a hint for this map can message me on Steam
Thank you very much OCD and AstraNine !
I haven’t used Briel much and bunching the aliens together was a good tip too. I now have a lot to try and a lot of fun ahead 🙂
And story mode:
GAH ! so close. ok, this is what I’m talking about. 2nd game higher score with more towers and even less overall damage… I will keep trying ! so addicting… lol
Thanks again !
I now tried your advice on the Rusty Gold map and got 14 million points more than my previous best. Now I am a gold medal winner ! 🙂
Best regards
the golden boy
Mr. Han:
In addition to TNTFTB or Mr.Han’s nice mathematics above I strongly recommend Tman’s guide which I think tells you everything you want to know (and a bit more) about getting high scores 🙂
Here it is:
Thanks everybody for helping !
Really? I have found the opposite to be true. Like it seems there is a bonus if they are killed very quickly. I have watched my resources score go up by sometimes 1000’s .. even 5000. and yet if those same aliens are allowed to move about and get close to the cores, still get resource bonus but much, much less. Sometimes no bonus at all if they have reached and are carrying cores, except for the largest aliens. hummm.
Well done OCD !! 🙂
thanks 🙂
the resource bonuses are put into the script by the map makers in certain waves and at certain points of the game.
if you are killing early you will be seeing the bonuses as the waves are finished/dead but when you stretch the wave out the slow aliens (turtles, jugganauts and crashers)might not die until up to 3 waves have passed but you will still get the same bonus, you just wont 100% know which wave it was from.
On a Shark map for example if you get a huge resource bonus expect hell to be coming…he isn’t that nice 🙂
Bad Sharky, very bad. LOL
Shhhhhh !!
hey shamanscott
if you have post a screenshot of your final setup, that will help allot if you would like to 🙂
oh and while you are at it have you got your towers of choice ‘upgrades at level 5’?
that makes a massive difference
Yes, all towers at 5 except for temporals, they are at increased slow-down. Everything else is a “5”. Missiles -tachyon, Tesla – shocker, Concussion – depth-charge, Lasers – tachyon. Don’t use guns or inferno much, or cannons, but they are all set on 5 as well. Normally I use Commander Cai but took your suggestion and have been using Brel as of late.
will do!
This was my final on my 60 wave normal showing the lower section. Got Gold easy in the last 10 min and a full 10 million more to boot.
Awesome work 🙂
You’re all over it now, will see you in Elite mode Gold 🙂
Cool, thanks for the new map.
Another great map Sharky!
Thanks as always and 5 stars from me. Now its released its time to optimise those scores eh?
Hey Shark,
Another beast of a map….thank you ……is Grinder a HPE script lol 🙂
It’s awesome.
Cheers from Australia 🙂
THX a Lot!!!
OMG ! I cannot wait to try this out !! I’m like a kid on Christmas whenever a new map comes out! TY TY TY TY Shark@tak ! 🙂
LOL – glad you like the maps 🙂