Map: Crimson Dawn By: razcle

Crimson Dawn


Author: razcle
Map Name: Crimson Dawn
Intended Audience: forever free maps
Submitted On: 2023-10-01 20:31:43
Last Updated On: 2023-10-01 20:31:43

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– Authors Map Description –

< Commander: The crimson dawn will mark the beginning of a fierce struggle, where this outpost’s fate will be decided amidst the chaos and uncertainty of battle. A coordinated attack is anticipated and your assignment is to fortify the defenses and ensure the armament is prepared for combat. Check and recheck all weapons systems, then immediately engage with the raiders. Stay focused and ready to defend this outpost with every ounce of the firepower at our disposal. >


– this is a nice little map …. is has it all …. fun, different challenge levels, visuals
…. you might have noticed, i have been experimenting with special effects and explosions
– it was a lot of fun to make and i am very pleased with the end result

-the core housings will move along a track to the next position every 5 or 10 waves depending
on the mode

– a big thanks to Walsingham – for being there to support, to play this map through looking
for bugs or problems that i did not see and giving valuable feedback
….. it is very much appreciated

– all cores saved and gold medal achieved @ the Elite setting

– if you find anything; a bug or problem that got by us –
– please let me know below in the comments –

in approximate order of difficulty

< story >
– 35 waves – practice mode
– cores move every 5 waves
– easiest mission – the score not saved to leaderboard

< story LB >
– 40 waves of mixed aliens
– cores move every 5 waves

< super X grinder >
– 140 waves of mixed aliens
– cores move every 10 waves

< super G challenge >
– 80 large healthy waves of various aliens
– cores move every 5 waves


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8 months ago

Great map. Thought I would hate the moving core factory but, it makes the play even more fun. Very well balanced map.

8 months ago

So glad that maps are still being made for this game. Thank You!