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< Commander: One of our toxic waste facilities is under attack. Cold Blue 2 is a small sealed vault of extremely deadly nuclear and toxic industrial effluent. Due to danger to all forms of life from these nasty substances the "Cold Blue" satellites are on an severe furthermost orbit that is 90 degrees to the planetary plane. Pluto crosses this orbit every 124 years – twice in its trip around the sun at its aphelions (farthest points of its eliptical orbit ). >
< Commander : The satellite is small and not a lot of real estate to build on. We trust you will dispatch this crisis with your usual speed and efficiency. >
– this map has: – a few pathing options – a whole mess of aliens – even more resources – and Gold should be easily achievable
– I trust it will provide an enjoyable and fun challenge.
– it has been tested and beaten on Open Elite ( thank you, OCD )
story: ………………………………… 36 waves assorted aliens – for practice and testing of strategies
story leaderboard: …………. 36 waves assorted aliens – compare score with others
super grinder: …………………. 145 waves of assorted aliens
grinder: …………………………….. 100 waves of walkers with a Boss wave at the end
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6 years ago
Wow! A small map that has lots of different ways to play it!
A great map for a quick battle. Thank you for keeping us in fresh maps. 🙂
Jolly Roger
6 years ago
Did someone delete the last comments??
I thought I “talked” with OCD about the last highscores.
they weren’t deleted ….. but they are lost
the web site was moved from the old server to a new one, then back to the old one resulting in the loss of a few days data while the site was on the new server …..
Jolly Roger
6 years ago
I like small maps. Really curious to play this in the next days…
– you don’t, but that is another way to go at it
and the super grinder does need more of the map
– i tend to like maps where i can try different things out
Which is a valid approach.
Thanks for that!
btw., I believe I noticed that it is possible to block some types of towers. Maybe it would be worth to block sometimes the most effective once, concussions and missiles?
Grimlar’s irritant mode on Legion does that …… i did limit towers on Mini Hot Box and probably will again on another map ….. it depends on the map i guess
i’m glad you like the map
6 years ago
nice one, thanks
6 years ago
Nice small map that has a heap of options in pathing….thanks heaps for your efforts 🙂
Wow! A small map that has lots of different ways to play it!
A great map for a quick battle. Thank you for keeping us in fresh maps. 🙂
Did someone delete the last comments??
I thought I “talked” with OCD about the last highscores.
they weren’t deleted ….. but they are lost
the web site was moved from the old server to a new one, then back to the old one resulting in the loss of a few days data while the site was on the new server …..
I like small maps. Really curious to play this in the next days…
Hmm, why don’t I need the left half of the map?…?
– you don’t, but that is another way to go at it
and the super grinder does need more of the map
– i tend to like maps where i can try different things out
Which is a valid approach.
Thanks for that!
btw., I believe I noticed that it is possible to block some types of towers. Maybe it would be worth to block sometimes the most effective once, concussions and missiles?
Grimlar’s irritant mode on Legion does that …… i did limit towers on Mini Hot Box and probably will again on another map ….. it depends on the map i guess
i’m glad you like the map
nice one, thanks
Nice small map that has a heap of options in pathing….thanks heaps for your efforts 🙂